More Swimming…
Here we are back at Monday morning. I used to HATE Mondays but now I like them. It’s a fresh start to a new week. I get the house back in order from the weekend and Holly and I plan our week. It helps that I don’t have to jump out of bed, get dressed and head out the door. That’s probably why I don’t Hate Monday’s anymore. But we had a nice weekend. My inlaws came and stayed the weekend (Hi Marge!!) and Holly loved it! Then we had a nice dinner at my parents house (Hi Mom!!) for Palm Sunday. My mother is a GREAT cook. Not that I didn’t know that until yesterday but I was reminded again. Of course she made…
Steve and I thought we’d do some redecorating this week since we have nothing else to do. Oh wait, we are having a baby in a week, what are we thinking?? Oh that’s right we had no choice when the water starting leaking though the ceiling in the dining room and coming up from the cracks in the floor in the basement TV room. That’s right, we had to have them cut holes in our ceiling and pull up our rug downstairs. I forget we had no choice. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?? I’m trying to keep a smile on my face through this entire thing but it’s not easy. I just seemed to get the house in pretty good order this…
Allison is getting to the age where she is starting to ‘play’ with Holly and Holly just loves it. While I was folding cloths downstairs the other day, they were on the floor with Holly’s tea set and play food and they were having a ‘coffee party’ according to Holly. How cute! Before bed the other night, Allison was sitting in her chair playing with her little dog and she dropped it on the floor, so Holly went over and picked it up for and Allison thought it was the funniest thing and started cracking up. So Holly picked it up again and the cycle of fun began. They were having a blast. I grabbed the camera and was able to get this little video….
While Jodi was here, we were able to sit down and grab a little scrapbooking time. Wish we could do this more often, but I’ll take what I can get. Most of these pages were inspired by pages done by members of Personal Scrapper Kit Club.I did 6 pages and here are 5 of them. One page I’m holding onto because I need to add something too it. Thanks for looking!
These girls are getting so big, so fast…………it’s amazing! Allison likes to carry a ‘bunch’ of things at a time by tucking them under her chin. It’s really cute when she does this. One day I let her play with the tub of wipes so I could finish up some things around the house (of course I have plenty of wipes to spare). Once they were all pulled out of the tub, she then carried them from room to room, and of course tucked them under her chin. I was able to catch a couple of pictures of her…. We decided to keep Holly home from school the month of August and we’ve also decided to send her to a different school in September. Her…
Here’s Holly…just hanging out…having some fun…smiling for the camera…looking cute for mommy…as usual!!! Playing…Being Silly…Acting like a goof ball…A silly chicken…That’s my Holly…. She was swimming like a fish like the kids do on one of her videos. Not sure if you can tell by the pictures, but I did catch a few of her arm movements. It’s so cute to see her imitating more and more what she see’s, especially when it’s kids doing something. Silly girl….