Seeing Santa 2012

I am not a big fan of the mall or the craziness that is happening there at the holidays.  Plus we don’t live close enough to one to make me want to drag the girls there to take a picture.  Call me lazy – but I just hate that place at the holidays!  So I’m happy that we now belong to the Westerly Yacht club and each year they have a children’s christmas party and Santa is there, of course! Holly’s getting kind of big to sit on Santa’s lap but she still wants to and I think it’s cute.  Allison doesn’t seem to be phased by him the last two years so I’ve been able to get her to sit on his lap. Not…

Mystic Aquarium

This weekend we visited Mystic Aquarium. We received free press passes, I just have to blog about our trip. Easy enough considering it saved us over $100!! Yup you read that right, had we paid for all four of us it would of cost us over $100. $28 per adult and $20 per child 3 and over so we would of had to pay for Allison too. Plus they charged $3.00 to go on the Voyage adventure (Holly and I went) and then $3.00 each for us to feed the birds (we got 3 sticks of food). Total = $111 for 3 hours. Steve would of never paid it, I said we would of because the girls enjoyed it, but I’m glad we didn’t! lol…

Me & My Silly Girls

We spent the weekend at my parents while Steve was traveling and before we left I wanted to leave some cute pictures of the girls on my mother’s camera. They were so silly. The camera settings were off at first so some of them are blurry but they were too cute to not post. Allison was being silly closing her eyes. Holly thinks she’s a model, always striking a pose. Allison isn’t quite sure what to do. She figured it out. lol

We are home……..

It feels so nice to be home with my family. Thank you Jodi for keeping everyone updated. You are such a great friend!!!!Allison and I came home on Saturday, we stayed one extra day and I’m glad we did. I’m nice and rested and feeling great. I enjoyed my time with her in the hospital, but it’s so good to be home with Holly and Steve now. My in laws left Sunday and we’ve spend the day together as a family and it’s been great. Allison is doing fantastic. She is such a good baby. She is eating a lot and sleeping a lot too. Our first night home went very well. She woke up every 2.5-3 hours to eat, but went right back to…