Goofy Kids and A Trip to New Hampshire

The girls and I took a trip up to New Hampshire for the day on Presidents day since there was no school.  It happened to be Winter Vacation for us, but not for little David.  But since it was a holiday, he had no school on Monday. The girls were very excited to see David and Joey as I was excited to see my best friend Jodi. The ride went well, we had no traffic and the girls enjoyed it too, which is always a plus.   However after driving for 2+ hours, we were all happy to arrive. We had lunch and then the kids played while the moms chit chatted.   They all get along so great.  When we are all together I sit and…

Allison’s Tool Belt

I have a new babysitter that comes over on Mondays and Fridays for a few hours in the morning to play with Allison while I get a little work done.  Her name is Katie and she is really nice and Allison loves her! They were playing one day and Allison pulled out her tools – she LOVES her tools!  Katie made her an adorable tool belt.  She used a regular belt and put all her tools on it.  Allison absolutely loved it and she looked adorable, as usual.

Mystic 2 Years Later & A promise for more!

It’s been two years since I’ve updated this blog. My other blog took off like crazy so this sort of got pushed to the back burner AND Facebook is so much easier to update with pictures of the kids and what we’ve been up too. But I have all this stuff here, just sitting in space, of them when they were babies so I will be updating this from time to time. We went to Mystic this weekend for a birthday party that Holly was invited to. We decided to make a day of it and bring Allison along as well and spend time with her while Holly was at her party. She loved having mommy and daddy’s attention all to herself and so…

Blogger In Training

  Allison wants to be just like mommy – she wants to drink coffee and water because I do and she wants to be a blogger some day, because I am.  We’ve been tossing around a few ideas for her ‘blogging’ name and I believe we’ve settled on Little Koupon Karen. I think that will fit her perfectly as she is a little me!  

“Girlie” Cousins

My cousin Mia turned 50 this month and Danielle hosted a little birthday party at Twin Oaks.  She had no idea and was very surprised (and happy!) when she arrived and realized she wasn’t having dinner with just Danielle. We had a nice dinner and it was good to be together as a family.  It was also a great opportunity to get a picture of all the ‘girl’ cousins since they’ve all grown so much.  I look at Danielle, Stephanie and Alyssa and I remember the days they were born, as if it were yesterday. And then I laugh at myself thinking I must be old because that’s what old people say when they see kids! But it’s true – they are all grown up…