A Popsicle with a Friend……
It was a nice visit, quick of course but we were glad to have them. Just a few pictures of the 3 of them having Popsicle’s together.
It was a nice visit, quick of course but we were glad to have them. Just a few pictures of the 3 of them having Popsicle’s together.
Holly and I are going to visit Santa today. I’m very excited to see how she feels about the ‘real’ him. She loves to see him on TV and when we drive by houses that have him outside, but she hasn’t seen the real him yet so it will be interesting. I think she will LOVE him and I’m really hoping she wants a picture with him, but I’m not counting on that part. She’s not one to sit on many people’s laps, so I can’t see her sitting on Santa’s lap, but we will find out today. We put up our tree this weekend but I haven’t taken a picture of it yet. We had to move all sorts of things out of the…
I really do have the best husband and daughter in the entire world!! Or I’m just spoiled..one or the other. But I think they are great. Steve decided to buy me for my birthday a brand new Laptop!!!! I said earlier in the year that eventually I’d like a laptop and knew we’d go wireless at some point. Steve said sure, probably by the end of the year and for Christmas. We’ll he decided it could be my birthday gift too! We went last night to pick one out and of course the one we wanted wasn’t in stock, but they’ll ship it to our house for free and it will be here the day before my birthday. That works for me!! Here’s the one…
Holly LOVES to color..It’s her new thing…But we must leave the crayons on the counter when we are done, or the walls become her coloring book. This has happened 3 times (if you count the fridge last week). I did get a picture this time before I cleaned it. Did you know that the Magic Eraser works really well getting crayon off your walls and fridge? Yup it does. Jodi can tell you too…I think she invested in the company recently. LOL The picture is a little blurry but it’s the wall in my hallway and there isn’t much light, but you get the idea. I love how her belly hangs out when she wears this top..It’s just too cute. Fast forward 12 years and…
I’m feeling much better today. The pain is pretty much gone and so is most of the uncomfortableness. I know that’s not a word but it discribes what I was feeling the past few days. I haven’t taken any of the pain killers since Saturday and today I didn’t even take any Aleve. Don’t need it anymore. So glad this was a quick recovery, just like everyone told me it would be. I can lift Holly now and drive, but I still need to limit my lifting/pushing to 25lbs for the next few weeks. No problem with that! I don’t usually lift/push that much anyways. I go to the doctors tomorrow to hopefully have the staples removed because they are bugging the heck out of…
I’ve become a bad blogger, sorry. Of course I have a good excuse, still I need to try and update more. I used to spend a good amount of time on the computer after Holly went to bed while I watched TV, but lately I’ve been watching TV in bed then going to bed since Allison gets up to eat a few times at night. I will try to do more. The girls are still doing well. Holly is acting like a 2 year old and testing me at times, but over all she is still doing great with the adjustment of Allison joining our family. And she still kisses her sister, all the time. Allison is doing great, getting bigger and bigger every day….
This morning when Holly got up I told her we were (hopefully) going to find out today if she was going to have a brother or sister. I then asked her if she wanted a brother or sister and she said “BROTHER”. So we’ll have to see if she gets what she wants. Stay tuned!!!
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They are really having a good time aren’t they. Yummy.