Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy your day!!!
I’m so excited!!!!! Finally one of my scrapbook pages is going to be published!!!! Last week Memory Makers magazine emailed me that they were going to feature one of my pages in their online newsletter and I was VERY excited about that. Well this week Scrapbook Trends emailed me and they want to PUBLISH one of my layouts in their December Issue!!!!! I was so excited. I screamed for Steve and he thought something happened to Holly. He laughed at me as I jumped up and down squeeling like a pig I was so excited!!!!! The best part of it is it’s a layout with me and Holly in it, which makes it even more special. Once it’s published I will post the layout again,…
Holly is turning into a big girl right before our eyes. Just about everything baby about her has disappeared. Before we know it…………Nope I won’t even go there! LOL She’s been battling a cough the past few days so we’ve been giving her lots of medicine. She’s such a BIG girl now that she can have he medicine in the little dosing cup and drink it all by herself. I’m so proud of her every time I watch her drink it all up. We call it special juicy so she’ll drink it and usually she’ll say to me “yum yum special juicy good!”. Oh how I love her!!! Here are some pictures of her drinking her ‘special juicy’. Enjoy………….
Here are some more pictures from Bob and Melissa’s wedding: Melissa and her DadThe VowsThe best man, Jeff, handing over the ringsThe Kiss (sorry it’s a big blurry, I couldn’t use my flash)One flower girl and One ring bearerGetting attacked by Bubbles!I caught this moment, it wasn’t posed. Bob was just checking out the rings. I love this picture!The flower girls, ring bearers, and Jr usher.Melissa’s family. I didn’t catch a picture of Bob’s family.The best man Jeff, doing what Jeff does best, taking pictures.Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaffenThe Happy CoupleThe beautiful cake. I loved the colors she choose.The first dance as husband and wife!Father / Daughter DanceMother / Son DanceDaddy dancing with his girls(it was getting late and I changed Allison in case she…
This morning when Holly got up I told her we were (hopefully) going to find out today if she was going to have a brother or sister. I then asked her if she wanted a brother or sister and she said “BROTHER”. So we’ll have to see if she gets what she wants. Stay tuned!!!
Just a quick midweek update with some pictures to share. Allison is getting a little restless right now so this will be short and sweet. The girls are doing great and so are we. Mommy and her girls….This is actually Allison’s halloween costume but Holly wanted to put it on, it’s pretty small on her, though it doesn’t look that small……Allison is probably going to be swimming in it. Since Holly liked it so much, I got her one too that will fit her better. She lookedso cute in it though.Allison eating seet potatoes…..believe it or not she did NOT like them….See what I mean!Nana and (a tired) Holly
Holly loves to play the knock, knock game. It’s really cute. She will say ‘knock, knock’, I’ll say ‘who’s there’ and then she starts naming all the Backyardigan’s one at a time. It’s really cute. I was finally able to get it on video. Just so you know, the Backyardigan’s names are Pablo, Austin, Tyrone, Tasha and Uniqua. She added a few other people into the mix this time. Enjoy!