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Pink High Heels
Like most 2nd children, Allison loves all of Holly’s stuff. Lately she’s been wearing her shoes, or mine and even Steve’s. It’s really cute and I think just about every kid does it. But today was the best yet. She came walking down the hallway wearing her jammies (blue – from David, we love hand me downs) and Holly’s Pink High Heel Shoes! And of course her buddy Zebra (otherwise know as “Z”) was with her. I am so glad I was able to grab my camera and catch a picture of her. If you can’t really see the shoes click on the picture for a larger view.
Easter Pictures
We had a nice Easter and the girls had so much fun. We are still having Easter Egg Hunts in the house. Did you know that the Easter Bunny left me a note saying he would be back this weekend to pick up all the empty plastic eggs. Yup! And then he will bring them back next year. Isn’t that nice of him?? (lol) I’m so glad because I have eggs EVERYWHERE in the house. Allison loves playing with the eggs too and dumps the bucket all over the floor several times a day. I’m glad she is enjoying them too, but we have lots of other toys too so it’s good that the EB is picking those up in a few days. Here are…
The Washington County Fair
Remember me?? and my girls?? Yeah Yeah I know it’s been a long time since I last posted but mama’s been busy making money to put in a new driveway. lol I know excuses, excuses. We took the girls to the Washington County Fair yesterday and it was Allison’s first time riding any rides and she absolutely LOVED it! I was afraid there wouldn’t be anything she could ride since she is still little but there were 3 and she rode all 3 of them. She even rode one alone without her sister and she wasn’t the least bit scared. We were very proud of her. Here are some videos I took of Allison’s rides….
Yesterday I took Allison to have her 3 month picture taken and with the hopes of getting a picture of her and Holly together, but I wasn’t going to push Holly. Well, we got some GREAT pictures!!! holly did so good and we got some great pictures of both the girls. Here is a college of a few of the best shots we got. This college is for both their grandparents (Marge, your getting a copy of this!).
I spoke too soon….
Well, Holly’s still not better. Today she’s completely not herself. Steve woke me at 7am and said she was awake but just laying there playing with her hands. I told him to go get her and bring her into bed with me (cuz she loves to play on the bed) and when he did, she just layed there..then wanted to get down and started with that wine/grunt sound. So I told him to get her some juice. She sucked down 3/4 of the cup. She sat with me while she did that so I had my “bottle” moment. Then she wanted cheerios so I gave her some, but she only had a few. After that we just sat on the couch together and she pretty…
My Little Reader…
Holly LOVES her books. She wont really sit too long and let us read to her but she does spend a LOT of time looking through her books. I’m glad because her daddy is a HUGE reader and I know he learned a lot of what he knows through reading and I wish for that for her too. I enjoy reading too, but I like the romance novels and I don’t learn too much I can use in life from them. LOL I keep a bunch of books in the car now too and if I need to keep her awake or she just needs some entertaining, then I hand her a book. She’ll sit there, point to things that she knows and even thing…
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Karen you so totally RAWKIN the digital scrappin too! Love what you are creating! 🙂 🙂 🙂
these are awesome digital LO’s Karen! Beautiful pages!