The Birthday Gift……..
Here’s a video (of course) of her sliding on the slide. Enjoy!!!!
Here’s a video (of course) of her sliding on the slide. Enjoy!!!!
We’ve all been sick. First Allison, then Mommy, then Holly and finally Steve. The wonderful stomach and intestinal bug……… fun fun fun. We have been just lying around the house for a few days. I felt really bad for the girls, they were not themselves, but they were still cute. Steve took some pictures of the girls sharing the couch. Holly smiled, but Allison just couldn’t. Holly felt better cuddling with Penquin……….Of course Allison had June with her to help her nap…..
While Jodi was visiting, she did the girls hair… they look like Princess Lea in Star Wars (is that how to spell her name?) Jodi loves doing the girls hair because she has two boys. After she did their hair she wanted to take a picture of them but the girls were having one of their moments. They didn’t want to be next to each other or to even touch each other. So Jodi said to them “Make believe you like each other for a minute”. And this is the result of that….. Holly the little actress went along with it and ‘made believe’ she was going to put her arm around her sister. Allison pretty much stood there because she was told too trying…
While in Agawam over the weekend, we visited with Chris (hi Chris) and her dogs. She’s got two great dogs who are so well trained (great job Chris!) and the girls absolutely LOVED them and they were so brave. We will get a dog someday (yes we will Steve) but not for a while yet. But it was nice to know the girls will do so well when that day comes. Holly even feed the Jake a snack! She loved it!!Allison had June with her, of course.They were trying very hard to get the dogs attention. They were not bored for even a moment.Steve had to guide Allison’s hand while petting the dog because she was a little aggressive.Holly did a great job. She loved…
Holly and I had a craft day today (Monday) and we had so much fun. I pulled out the washable markers and gave her lots of paper and sat her across the table from me while I scrapbooked. My best friend Jodi challenged me to do some pages this weekend, but I never got to it. Today I sat us both done and went to town. Holly had a lot of fun with the markers, and thankfully they were washable because she made a mess, a cute mess, but a mess. Hope you all have a good week!!!
Holly and I planted some seeds earlier in the summer. We didn’t water them very often and then we went almost a month without rain so I didn’t expect anything to bloom. Well, today we went outside and to our surprise we saw this……….. And a picture of the girls in their matching dresses, waiting for mommy while she took pictures of the One Flower…….
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Hi Birthday girl; What a great present. Looks like you’re having so much fun. Love Grandma W.