The Birthday Gift……..
Here’s a video (of course) of her sliding on the slide. Enjoy!!!!
Here’s a video (of course) of her sliding on the slide. Enjoy!!!!
Today is my baby girls 2nd birthday. I can’t believe how fast the past 2 years have gone by. It’s been so amazing and fun since the day she was born. Our lives changed in a way that no one could ever explain to us, but it was the best change ever. Holly is an amazing little girl and has brought so much joy to everyone who knows her. She’s smart, funny, silly, loving, cuddly and so much more. There are days that Steve and I just look at her and think, how could we not love her as much as we do. She’s a blessing to our lives and we LOVER HER beyond words and actions. Yesterday we had her 2 year picture taken…
Allison turned 10 months old this week, hard to believe that she’ll be 1 in just two months. As I’ve said before, where did the time go???She’s doing really well. She has been crawling like crazy since Christmas and pulls herself up on everything and is now cruising along the furniture. She really has the desire to stand and move along but she hasn’t tried to take any of her own steps yet. Still not letting go. But her balance is getting better and better every week so she probably will be walking by her 1st birthday.She seems to be going through a growth spurt and is eating so much more lately, but not so much in the form of baby food, but in the…
Holly LOVES the pool this year. Last year she never got in it, but this year she’d be in there everyday if she could. Her and Steve were swimming the other day and I got a video of them. She was playing pretend and daddy was a monster. She’s so cute. Enjoy!
Here’s Holly…just hanging out…having some fun…smiling for the camera…looking cute for mommy…as usual!!! Playing…Being Silly…Acting like a goof ball…A silly chicken…That’s my Holly…. She was swimming like a fish like the kids do on one of her videos. Not sure if you can tell by the pictures, but I did catch a few of her arm movements. It’s so cute to see her imitating more and more what she see’s, especially when it’s kids doing something. Silly girl….
Holly learned to spell her name a while ago and can even write it. I’ve been told that’s really good that she can do that at her age. She is constantly asking me what a bunch of letters together spell. It’s very hard sometimes to even try and pronounce the letters she puts together. Here is an example: cdgghok – What does that spell? I have no idea. So I decided that since she wants to learn how to spell words then I will take a 3 letter word and work with that for a little while and take it from there. So our word for this week is DOG. Each day I ask her through the day how to spell DOG and she spells…
After dinner tonight the girls put on their ballet dresses and danced for us. It was really cute. I did get it on video but it’s too big to upload here so here are the pictures. Allison was copying whatever move Holly did, it’s so cute when she mimics her moves, except when Holly is doing something she shouldn’t. Our littlest Ballerina Miss Allison… Our bigger Ballerina loves to do twirls………… and I caught her in action…
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Hi Birthday girl; What a great present. Looks like you’re having so much fun. Love Grandma W.