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1st Communion….time flies
Today was my nephew Jonathan’s 1st communion. We ended up getting there a little late because Holly hasn’t been feeling well and we wanted to make sure she had her nap before we left. We didn’t miss much, but I didn’t get to see him walk in. He looked so grown up though! Where did the time go (just like my post the other day). It seems like it was just yesterday we were there, in the same church christening him (he’s my god child too) and now he’s making his 1st communion. Unbelievable!!! Here is a picture of him and I: His class made a quilt. They each had a square to work on…here is Jonathan pointing to the square he made. I love…
A Trip Up North…
Holly and I took a trip up to New Hampshire yesterday to visit with Jodi, Lil David and a friend of ours from college Jenny. (Hi Jodi and Jenny!!!). It was a beautiful day for a drive…the sun was out and it was nice and warm (but not HOT) and it just made me feel so good to be out in it. Holly did fantastic on the ride up. She slept for about 45 minutes right in the middle of the 2.5 hour drive…it was perfect! She even let me listen to most of my music all the way there…that was a treat for me. Holly and David played so nice together…they are starting to interact together which is so nice to see. They were…
Her First Sentence!!!! and lots more……
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Snow?? Your Kidding Me!!!
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Things are going well……
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My friend Chris tagged me (Hi Chris ). She tagged me through email but I’m putting my answers here and then I’m going to tag 4 people. If you don’t have a blog and I tagged you please email them to me!! Four jobs you have had in your life: (not in any particular order) 1. Curves Tech2. Pizza Maker3. Accounts Payable4. Bank Teller Four movies you would watch over and over: 1. Clueless2. Ever After3. Lord of the Rings4. 50 First Dates Four places you have lived: 1. Cranston, RI2. Plymouth, NH3. Nantucket, MA4. Pawcatuck, CT Four TV shows you love to watch: 1. Lost2. Desperate Housewives3. Grey’s Anatomy4. The Amazing Race Four places you have been on vacation: 1. Orlando 2. Maui, Hawaii3….