That Face………….
I just love this little face……… with that cheesy smile. That’s how she smiles when she sees the camera in my hand lately, all the while saying “CHEESE”. It’s really cute!! Here is another one……. I just love that face!!!
Last night Steve was taking pictures of me, every few weeks I get a belly shot so I can later scrapbook my progress. Anyways, Holly wanted to be in the picture, of course I did not mind at all. And then I had to get a kiss in, love kissing those cheeks!!! And we had to get a picture with daddy too. Oh how we love this little girl!!!!
Holly is turning into a big girl right before our eyes. Just about everything baby about her has disappeared. Before we know it…………Nope I won’t even go there! LOL She’s been battling a cough the past few days so we’ve been giving her lots of medicine. She’s such a BIG girl now that she can have he medicine in the little dosing cup and drink it all by herself. I’m so proud of her every time I watch her drink it all up. We call it special juicy so she’ll drink it and usually she’ll say to me “yum yum special juicy good!”. Oh how I love her!!! Here are some pictures of her drinking her ‘special juicy’. Enjoy………….
I’ve been told I am a bad blogger so this post is out of guilt for not blogging for over a week!!! (Hi KIM). It’s been busy with the long weekend, trying to get things done and Holly’s been fighting a cough and up at night for a little bit so her and I have not had a full nights rest for 3 nights. Hopefully she’ll be better soon. Steve’s been fighting a cold and it’s just about gone, and luckily I’ve been feeling pretty good. Holly has a rocking horse she received for her 1st Christmas from her aunt and uncle. She’s never been on it, just pets the horse and says “good horsie”. I’ve been trying for a while to get her to…