51st Chemo Treatment this week!

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve updated you all about Steve.  I’ve been so busy between the girls being out of school, and my summer classes…. it’s been pretty crazy, to say the least! Steve had scans done about 1 month ago.  The chest CT was a little blurry because he sneezed during it and the (dumb) girl CT technician told him it came out fine, but in fact, it didn’t.  The radiologist that read the report couldn’t see everything, but from what he could see, the lungs were pretty much the same as the last scan.  His liver is good as well. There has been a spot on his liver that has grow slowly since January.   But the growth wasn’t very significant so…

Updates on Steve’s Newest Scans – CT Scan and Bone Scan

Last week, Steve had a new Bone Scan and CT Scan so the doctor had a baseline before we start the next chemo.  I was curious to see how much growth there would be without him having chemo for 4 weeks (2 treatments). We saw the doctor yesterday and the CT Scan showed some more growth in the lungs.  Not a lot, but more.  The bone scan confirmed what the last CT Scan said – and there are now 2 spots on his spine, but we already knew that.  There is also a little bit more growth in his stomach on the omentum. Not a lot, so that means the cancer is moving slowly.  It also pretty much confirmed that the chemo hasn’t really been…

The hardest part of this journey – telling our girls – we finally faced today.

As a parent, the last thing we ever want to do is see our children hurt. We’ve raised our girls with so much love and protection in the hopes that they would always feel safe with us. As a family, we’ve been through a lot the past 23 months and we’ve tried to be as honest as we could with the girls, letting them know along the way how much we love them and that everything would always be “okay”. Today we had to do the hardest thing ever… today we told the girls that the chemo isn’t working and the tumors are still growing. And even though daddy was going to continue on chemo the next 6 months, ultimately it’s just to get more…

Thank you to all our friends and family!

I’ve received so many texts, IM’s and messages with words of encouragement, love and support and I appreciate it so much! But please know that I am OKAY.  We’ve expected his treatment to take this turn at some point and honestly, we thought it would be 2 months ago. I posted this on Facebook today but I know not everyone is on Facebook…… Thank you everyone for your prayers, thoughts and positive vibes. We are so lucky to have so many amazing people in our lives. I do feel blessed, considering the situation. The time we’ve had since his diagnosis has been a gift, a gift that one day the girls will realize was one of the best gifts ever. Right before Steve starts the…

Newest Scans and CEA Update

Today Steve and I saw the doctor and received the results from his CT Scan on Friday, his Bone Scan on Monday and his CEA blood work.   The CEA is 17 right now… it was 12.  It is slowly rising but not a huge jump in a month.  The bone scan showed some new “Spots” on his spine but nothing big that can be measured.   The CT Scan showed his tumors for the most part are “stable”.  The doctor thinks the CEA rising is due to the new spots on his spine. What the doctor doesn’t know is if the chemo Steve is on right now is slowing down the growth or not working at all and the growth is just slow.  That’s impossible to…