Poor Allison….
The Dr said they’d call me again on Sunday morning when they got the culture back again to see if she needed something different as far as meds. Well she called back on Sunday and we DID have to give her something different so off to CVS again. Poor kid, she didn’t want to take anymore medicine, but mommy keeps finding ways of getting it in her.
By Monday morning we were already seeing an improvement, she woke up with NO FEVER and stayed FEVER FREE all day! I did give her Motrin anyways, so maybe that helped but it was a good sign when she woke without one.
She needs to take 10 days of the antibiotics then we will run some tests to see what the cause was and to make sure there isn’t a problem that caused the UTI in the first place.
I’m just glad she’s starting to feel better.
Here are some pictures of her over the weekend, you’d never know from her smile that she was sick and uncomfortable. She’s such a trooper!
As most of you know, we have an old swing set in the back yard that the previous owners left here. It’s old, doesn’t have a slide and is pretty much falling apart. Holly LOVES to play on the swings, slides and climb on play sets so we’ve been talking about getting a really nice set this year. Yesterday Toy R Us had an awesome set in their flyer, that personally I love and wish I had when I was younger. I showed Steve and he liked it too. We looked around online and couldn’t really find anything else like it, for the price so we are considering buying it. We need to make our decision by the end of the week before the sale is over. Perhaps it will be on sale again, but who knows for sure if it will. I wouldn’t want to take the chance. Of course then the next thing will be putting it together, I don’t want to think about that yet, but we will probably call a few of our friends to give us (or should I say Steve) a hand.
Here is what we have now…..
and here is what we are considering buying……..Quite a difference, don’t you think? I’m sure Holly would LOVE this!!!
Have a great week!
OMG I’d come play on the new swing set/play structure!!
Poor Allison; hope she’s feeling better soon!!
Holly’s hair is getting so long – wow!
Love the new banner – very cute!!
Wow that is an awesome swing set! I remember back in the day when I was little and I had one like the one you have now! how funny… ah memories!
Big change. It looks so cool though.
Oh my gosh, those pics of them at the door are the cutest thing!!!!!!!