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End of Halloween Tradition…
We started a new tradition for the end of Halloween. Sounds weird I know, but stay with me. Holly got two pumpkins this year and she’s been pretty attached to them. We never carved them, I don’t think should would of liked that. They had to be in her room at night when she went to bed and she carried them around the house with her too. Like I said she’s pretty attached to them.Steve mentioned to me on Halloween that he thought she would NOT be willing to part with them when they start to Rot….what would we do??? We talked about it and came up with an idea (rather than just taking them out of her room while she slept because we both…
New Hats……
The girls both needed new winter hats. Holly’s were to small from last year, even though she looked cute and Allison was wearing one of Holly’s older hats, but it was a little snug and we needed a back up anyways. We met my mother at Sears and she bought them each a Hat and Mitten set. Allison didn’t want to wear it (I guess she doesn’t like change either) so to make it ‘fun’ I had them wear them when we got home. They LOVED it! And I was able to get this cute picture of them.
All Grown Up…….
My youngest nephew Kristopher is growing up so fast, I can’t believe it. He was Holly’s age when she was born and now he’s a preschool graduate!!! Yup, he is a graduate!!! When did he get to be 5 and when did he get so big??? Friday night was his graduation, but tickets were limited so we couldn’t attend, but my mother took pictures (I’ve trained her well lol).Here is my brother with his two boys, Jonathan, who will be 9 in August and Kristopher who is now officially a pre-school graduate and will be in Kindergarten in the Fall……. Just some pictures of the girls from this weekend… She is getting so BIG so FAST!!!I think she looks like a pirate in this picture…
One Flower…………
Holly and I planted some seeds earlier in the summer. We didn’t water them very often and then we went almost a month without rain so I didn’t expect anything to bloom. Well, today we went outside and to our surprise we saw this……….. And a picture of the girls in their matching dresses, waiting for mommy while she took pictures of the One Flower…….
Holly’s Hair Cut
On Friday Holly went to get her bangs cut (I can’t believe how fast this kids hair grows!!) and I decided to have Betsy take off about 2 1/5 inches from the back. She complains all the time when I brush it because it’s getting really knotty as it gets longer and also in the winter it gets very flyaway with the cold air so less hair to fly away. Holly really didn’t mind cutting a bit and it’s still long, just not as long. I think she looks cute. I know when my father sees it he won’t be happy, he loves long hair on little girls. When I was a kid, I had really long hair and for some reason ( I think…
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**Tooo cute! She’s adorable! thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day to you!