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Weekend Updates….
Shh….Don’t Tell!!!! Mommy snuck a barrett in Holly’s hair this weekend. Holly had no idea…until about 2 hours later when she put her hands on her head and well that was the end of that. Now she’s onto me…I can’t brush her hair to long because she knows what I might do. But I’ll keep trying because she looked so cute!!! The funny thing was, when she found it and pulled it out, she then kept trying to put it back in her hair. It was so funny. I tried to fix it for her and she let me once, but that was it. I will try again today when she takes another bath. Of course it’s easiest while her hair is wet. I found…
More Dancing……..
Another dancing Holly video. She loves to dance!! It’s just so cute, and she does it so much throughout the day I enjoy every minute of it. It’s hard to believe that in one week from today she will be 2!!! That’s just amazing. And she is doing so much for a 2 year old, we are very proud of her. How fast the last 2 years went by!!! Here’s the video, enjoy!!!!
My poor camera……
I’m so sad. My camera is broken, and it’s not something the warranty will cover. They say it’s physical damage and the warranty doesn’t cover that. I think that’s silly, when you have small children, the warranty should cover for physical damage. Oh wait, I guess that would on be the warranty for the child, not the camera. Oh well. We could have if fixed, but for double the price of fixing it we can get a brand new one. Why not get one that’s more up to date with the latest features, right? I think that’s what we should do. Steve thinks we should see if we can have it fixed somewhere else for cheaper. I’m going for the new camera route instead. He…
Going stong………
Holly is doing great.Today (Monday), Steve went in to check on Holly before he left for work because she was tossing and turning and he noticed she had no pants on. He asked her why she took of her pants and her diaper and she said to him “it’s much better like this daddy” then she told him she had to go pee pees on the potty so he told her to get up and go and she did!! He then came to wake me up and tell me what just happened and to let me know that the bed was not wet and her diaper was pretty dry. We have no idea when she took it off but we suspect it was shortly before…
Lots going on..
Just to start off, I don’t get as much keyboard time during the day where i can type, that’s why I haven’t been updating. It’s very hard to do an update one handed. Now that I’ve said that…..Here are a bunch of pictures that I’ve taken over the last week or so that I want to share. The girls are doing great. Allison is 6 months old, amazing!! We enjoy her so much, she’s such a sweet baby and so loving too. Holly still can’t get enough of her baby sister and now she likes to hold her in the rocking chair and sing her a lullaby before she goes to bed at night, it’s very sweet. Allison goes next week for her 6 month…
A CRAZY week!!!
I haven’t taken the time to blog the last few days but got lots to say (when don’t I?!!). Most importantly, my nephew Jonathan, who is 8 years old, had emergency surgery on Wednesday to have his appendix removed. Poor little dude was so sick Tuesday night and then by Wednesday morning his side was hurting so much he could not even walk. His parents acted fast because they suspected it was his appendix and sure enough it was. As they took it out, it burst so now he’s going to be in the hospital until Wednesday receiving an antibiotic. Poor little guy, he is being so brave and doing well. On Wednesday evening I was lucky enought to take a class from Donna Downey…