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What a BIG girl!!!!
Holly is turning into a big girl right before our eyes. Just about everything baby about her has disappeared. Before we know it…………Nope I won’t even go there! LOL She’s been battling a cough the past few days so we’ve been giving her lots of medicine. She’s such a BIG girl now that she can have he medicine in the little dosing cup and drink it all by herself. I’m so proud of her every time I watch her drink it all up. We call it special juicy so she’ll drink it and usually she’ll say to me “yum yum special juicy good!”. Oh how I love her!!! Here are some pictures of her drinking her ‘special juicy’. Enjoy………….
Busy Weekend…….
We had pretty busy weekend, but not too bad. Got a lot done. My inlaws are replacing their bed in the spare room with a bigger bed, so they gave us their old one, which is much more comfortable than the one we had in our spare room. So on Saturday they brought that over. Holly and Nana had a lot of fun playing in her new room with Dora’s castle. Holly loves when Nana comes over because she’s a FUN playmate. We visited with them and had a late lunch before they headed home. Then Steve, Holly and I hung out for the rest of the night. I pulled out the camera Saturday afternoon to take some pictures of Holly. She was in a…
One Flower…………
Holly and I planted some seeds earlier in the summer. We didn’t water them very often and then we went almost a month without rain so I didn’t expect anything to bloom. Well, today we went outside and to our surprise we saw this……….. And a picture of the girls in their matching dresses, waiting for mommy while she took pictures of the One Flower…….
Fashion Model
Allison will be two soon……….She has discovered necklaces, and loves them…… And she usually has one on every day now and sometimes even sleeps with it, if I don’t catch it! OH and that’s ducky and Junie (from Little Einstiens) her other two friends besides Zebra. We aren’t very original with the names in this house.
Happy Halloween!!
Today was like Holly’s first ever Halloween. Of course in her mind it was because she doesn’t remember Halloween’s of the past even though she’s always enjoyed it. No, it was like she experienced it for the first time today and we LOVED it!! It all began last Tuesday night when we told her that tomorrow was Halloween and she would be going trick or treating with Jakob tomorrow night. She knew Halloween was coming but had no idea when. She woke up this morning (Halloween) and was crying. I asked her what the problem was and she said that it wasn’t trick or treat today. I asked her what she meant and she said that it wasn’t dark out so it wasn’t trick or…
“ok mom”“here it is, mom”“i love you, mom”“can I have a snack, mom?”“thank you, mom” That’s what I’ve been hearing from Holly for about a week now, “mom”. I still get the occasional “mommy” but most of the day, I am just “mom”. This seems a little to early to make the shift from “mommy” to “mom”. I mean, she’s only been 3 for 2 months. I don’t think I’m ready to be “mom”……I am still “mommy”. I need to slow down time, my Holly is growing up way too fast.